Message Date and Title Only

Title and Date Only for Messages

No Longer Hostile to God (2005)


The Gospel of the Kingdom of God


Behind the Scenes of the Temptations (March 2017)


The Lie of Imputed Righteousness


The Truth of Romans Chapter Seven


Will You, or Will You Not, Follow Jesus?


Jesus Died for Love


Breaking the Power of Jezebel (2004)


Breaking Out of the Straitjacket


Returning to the Shepherd of Our Souls (2008)


If We Confess Our Sins


The Goat of Departure


You Must Call on the Name of the Lord


The Holy Spirit’s Prayer (2006)


Jacob’s Heart (March 2017)


Experiencing the Holy Spirit


Do Not Despise the Word of the Lord


An End of Entertainment


Un-Sin Me!


Are You Washed in the Blood?


The Second Work of Grace


The Lie of the Sinning Christian


The Greatest Need of the Church


Renounce All Sin (2006)


Three Loaves of Bread (2006)


The Surprising Antichrist


Enrolled in the School of the Holy Spirit?


O Lord, Change Me!


The Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail Against the Church!


How Big Is Your Jesus? (February 2017)


And God Goes Courting (2005)


A Declaration of War (2003)


Can We Live Wrong and Die Right? (2014)


The Gift of an Anguished Mind (October 2014)


Jacob’s Heart
