Can you see what God is calling for and what He wants to do in your life? May we lay down all of our self-centeredness and say yes to Jesus.
The beauty of the gospel is laid out for us in a story that would be unbelievable to most. If you believe that it's impossible for Jesus to save you, listen to this message.
God countered satan's deception in the garden of Eden with a secret gift you may have not identified as such. Listen to the message to discover this precious gift of the Father.
What is the glorious message of Christmas? It be different than what you think. Listen as Pastor Ray explains on today's Pilgrim's Progress.
Have you unknowingly made a treaty with darkness? Find out more as you listen to today's Pilgrim's Progress.
Do you have a real terror of God's judgment in your life and do you cling to Him or do you treat Him with contempt??
This is a powerful and step by step look at the life of Abraham. Highly recommended! We currently have 13 episodes and there is one remaining one that will be added once it's played on radio/YouTube.
Hear the call to lay everything down to Jesus, it's taken many years for this to become a reality for Abraham and it's terrifying. Has this consecration of everything become a reality for you?
Are you willing to pay the price so that the love of God could be shed abroad in your heart because you've been crucified with Christ?
This is the last message of Dr. J. Edwin Orr who passed away shortly after delivering this message.
Do you desire to have a broken and contrite heart or are you running from that?
Find out the necessity of tears in this walk with Jesus, as Dr. Miller lays out a very clear word about tears.