Message Date and Title Only

Title and Date Only for Messages

Putting Out the Fire of God


A Letter from God


Resetting Our Moral Compass (Encore)


The Place of Crushing–A Call to Holiness


Nothing Is Hidden from God


Will You Return ALL and Yield to Jesus NOW?


A Prepared Salvation


Stolen Goods?


What Must I Do to Be Saved?


Rise Up, and Walk! (January 2017)


Pardon, or Permission?


The Testimony of Righteousness


Union with Jesus


Sweeping Away the Refuge of Lies!


What You Must NOT Do (to Walk in Salvation)


Trust Jesus, and Deal to the Bottom!


The Two-Fold Work of Jesus Christ (December 2016)


The Date of Your Execution


A New Beginning of Obedience to God


Do Not Force God to Leave You (November 2016)


Growing Up in Jesus (2010)


The Law of the Spirit of Life (2004)


Is Jesus Trying to Kill Me? (2009)


Remember Lot’s Wife (2003)


A Christmas Gift from Jesus! (Encore)


Giving up the Place of an Egyptian (Encore)


Choose to Be Wise (Encore)


The Liquid Love of God


Be Wise and Surrender to Jesus!


Jesus IS the Gospel!


The Crooked Lane


Delectable Mountains (or, What Is Your Understanding of the Atonement?)


Are You Dying in Doubting Castle?


The Two-Fold Work of Jesus Christ


Words of Life
