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The Liquid Love of God

Will you, this Christmas, receive God's gift to us in Christ, and allow the Holy Spirit to take possession of your soul?
12-20-2016 - The Liquid Love of God - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

Charles Finney described his conversion as, “I felt myself justified by faith…I was in a state in which I did not sin. Instead of feeling that I was sinning all the time, my heart was so full of love that it overflowed…I could not feel that I was sinning against God. Nor could I recover the least sense of guilt for my past sins.” Does this describe the condition of your soul? Like Finney, each of us must enter this state by faith: not an intellectual decision, but a voluntary trust in specific promises of God. Will you, this Christmas, receive God’s gift to us in Christ, and allow the Holy Spirit to take possession of your soul?

(Note: The first part of the video had audio problems and has been deleted.)