He Will Bring Salvation

cross, good friday, resurrection, easter, dig, jesus, christ, crucifixion, faith, christianity, religion, church, bible, god, christian, passion, symbol, suffering, hope, salvation
The focus today is upon preparing for Jesus' return, which must happen in this life. Jesus wants to destroy the works of the devil in your life, will you let Him finish this work?

Are You Ignorant Of The Real Gospel?

white sheep on white surface
The starting point for many of us who have left our sinful lives is to recognize our ignorance of the real Gospel and the lack of the dynamite power of the Holy Spirit. May this message increase your hunger for Jesus.

Valley of Achor

Vibrant sunrise at Glacier National Park, highlighting stunning mountain landscapes and serene river views.
Listen as Pastor Ray lays out the door of Achor that will become a door of hope, if we're willing to be honest about who we are before God and meet His conditions. This work of redemption is an awesome work that only God can do in us.

Trust in the Lord

boy in gray sweater sitting on chair
Today's message is a combination of Psalm 27 and Matthew 6, which go hand in hand. The secret to getting through in difficult times is to trust in the Lord!