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Giving up the Place of an Egyptian (Encore)

As Adam Clarke wrote, “So he that says the blood of Christ either cannot or will not cleanse us from all sin in this life, gives also the lie to his Maker, who has declared the contrary…”

Many have stumbled in their pursuit of holiness over 1 John 1:8. A close reading of this verse as one in a series of couplets shows that John expects his readers to leave behind their lives in Egypt–the world–and live without sin in this life. As Adam Clarke wrote, “So he that says the blood of Christ either cannot or will not cleanse us from all sin in this life, gives also the lie to his Maker, who has declared the contrary…” God will not walk with us if we walk like Egyptians. But, God will bring us into the desert, like he did with Moses, to cleanse us from all our Egyptian ways. Will you go all the way through the desert with Jesus, and let him give you a heart to weep for others and for revival?