Message Date and Title Only

Title and Date Only for Messages

The Foundation of Prayer (Encore)


Stop Fighting with the Devil! (2004)


Jesus IS the Atonement


Send the Rain!


Only a Single Seed (2005)


Faith and Works!


A New Creation


Another November 2016 Offertory Day (Psalm 23)


November 2016 Offertory (Ephesians)


Unspotted by the World


Do Not Force God to Leave You!


Lord, Pull Me Through!


The Unfinished Work (October 2016)


The Scourge of Pride (October 2016)


God’s Redemptive Plan for the Church!


The Journey of Faith (October 2016)


Determined to Be a Doulos of Jesus




Healing the Pains of the Past (2008)


God’s Purpose in Our Suffering


The Gates of Righteousness!


Made Righteous by Jesus


Seeds of Destruction


O God, Awaken My Heart!


The Purpose of God (Encore)


A Letter from the Devil


Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God!


The Famine Is Over!


Awake, O Sleeper!


The Grief of God’s Heart


Married to the Devil?


The Common Gospel


A Tamed Tongue?


Hungry for Jesus?


Mere Prattle without Practice
