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The Second Work of Grace

What is this second of work I'm hearing so much about?
3-29-2017 The Second Work of Grace - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

In the first work of grace, a person is born again and saved from acts of sin. However, as in the Corinthian church, the inclination to sin remains. Jesus desires to sanctify entirely every believer so that this carnal nature is removed and the Christian is made perfect in love. This “high road,” as John Wesley called it, is largely denied by the modern Christian church, and we have fallen so low that many even deny the soul-saving first work of grace. To assume the modern orthodox position that sanctification occurs after death is a denial of the power of the blood of Christ and is, in fact, “the surprising antichrist” that will send millions to hell. Will you lay aside your experience as the basis for truth, and instead study and pray through these Scriptures until conversion and entire sanctification become your reality?