Message Date and Title Only

Title and Date Only for Messages

Unveiling the False Intellectual Veneer of Ignorance (2013)


Does a Fish Know How Wet the Water Is? (October 2017)


The Glorious Message of Christmas


Worthy of the Gospel


The Dividing Line (October 2017)


The Breath of Life


Is Every Christian Like You?


Lord, What Will You Have Me Do?


The Miracle of Change


A Pot of Oil


Today Is the Day


Learning How to Walk in the Blessing


Asa, King of Judah


The Midnight Cry (2008)


Present Truth


The Call to Repent


Pray for Tears


Do Not Drift (2008)


Who Shall Be Able to Stand?


Do Your First Work


A Thumb in the Devil’s Eye


Yoked with Christ


The Complete Jesus


A Backslider Restored (2015)


Run to Jesus for Refuge


Trust in the Presence of God


The Unsung Hero (2014)


A Backslider Restored


What Is Your Heart Given To?


True Intimacy with God


Available for Revival


Raised Up to Pray


What Can God Do in You?


The Cost of Revival


Does a Fish Know How Wet the Water Is?
