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A Backslider Restored

Wandered from Jesus and need restoration?
10-23-2017 - A Backslider Restored - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

Pastor Ray describes several red flags that you’re a backslider and how to recover. Three of these signs are: loss of interest in the Bible, coldness in prayer, and no longer sharing the gospel with others. Perhaps love for Jesus once inflamed your heart. But now, your relationship with Jesus is dead and cold. You know that Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” But you now feel that God’s commandments are burdensome.

Are you distant from Jesus, yet have a hunger for that real, passionate, love for God? If so, the only way back to God is to get on your face and honestly confess who you are. Then, you make a decision to start again in obedience to Jesus. This is individual revival. Nobody else can do it for you; it’s something you must do.

Are you a sinner who will soon be in the hands of an angry God? Or are you on fire for Jesus?