
The Call to Repent

Do you hear the call to repent from the Holy Spirit??
11-07-2017 - The Call to Repent - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

Repentance, forgiveness, and holiness are the divine trio for salvation. Of these, repentance is the doorway into God’s kingdom. God’s call to repent applies to all people, everywhere. So what exactly does this call entail?

First, repentance begins with a recognition that Jesus is the God of heaven and earth who holds life and death in his hand. Second, repentance involves a recognition of one’s immense guilt in rebelling against this holy, just God. Third–and this is key–repentance is the once-for-all decision to leave all rebellion and sin and obey Jesus in all things.

This repentance will likely cause some initial difficulty. For example, if you’re living with someone you’re not married to, moving out may mean a drop in your standard of living. You may lose a good chunk of income and even transportation. This may mean that you rent a room close enough to walk to work. As you continue through life, you may have to say, “No” to unethical workplace practices, even though others say, “Yes,” and get away with it. You may lose friends, family, career advancements, and educational opportunities. But, you’re to count all this difficulty as a gain, because you’re gaining Christ.

Repentance is also the starting point of revival. Before you can begin obeying Jesus, you must first repent. We must be humble and honest about whether we’ve really repented, lest we fall into the same snare as the rich young ruler.

Finally, we ask that you please pray about revival in Washington, D.C. and what God would have you do.