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A Pot of Oil

A precious story in part from a dear brother named G.D. Watson, who authored a book by the name of the broadcast.

God sent Elijah to a poor, indebted widow. All that she owned was a small pot of oil. So what was God’s plan to get her out of debt? He blessed what she had–that little pot of oil–and made enough of it to fill all the empty vessels that the widow could gather.

For us, this story teaches how the Holy Spirit operates in a Christian to both sanctify the soul and advance the kingdom of God. In terms of holiness, we first must empty ourselves of everything that blocks God’s love in our hearts. In terms of Christian service, God does not bless nothing. But he will bless our work in the gospel when we believe, obey, and pour ourselves out for Jesus.

Listen to learn what empty vessels are, how to collect them, and how to be filled with the Holy Spirit!