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Do Your First Work

The first work of the gospel is to repent and then believe...

Can a sinner consecrate his life to God? Yes, but not while he remains a sinner because he or she is dead in his trespasses. To do your first work as a Christian is to repent. Jesus said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” He didn’t say, “Consecrate yourself.” He said, “Repent.”

Without this first work, you cannot be on the way to heaven. Instead, the law of God right now condemns you. You may have once repented, but now you are cold and backslidden.

There is no salvation outside of a present salvation from sin! If you aren’t walking in obedience to Jesus today, don’t stop and wonder whether you’ve ever been born again or not. Instead, confess your sins out loud to God and do your first work of repentance!