You Are as Good as DeadYou Are as Good as DeadYou are as good as dead unless God intervenes on your behalf. Are you willing to seek Jesus and askContinue reading You Are as Good as Dead The Hiding Place of False Grace (2009)The Hiding Place of False Grace (2009)Pastor Ray uncovers the hiding place of False grace. He uses many of the scriptures that have been used thisContinue reading The Hiding Place of False Grace (2009) What Is The Gospel Of Jesus?What Is The Gospel Of Jesus?On today’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Pastor Ray focuses upon the real gospel of Jesus? Listen to it closely as he goesContinue reading What Is The Gospel Of Jesus? You Don’t Have To Die, But You WillYou Don’t Have To Die, But You WillIf you will prayerfully and carefully consider the message today, you can be set free, the choice is yours. SIN WILL KILL YOUSIN WILL KILL YOUOn today’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Pastor Ray continues our study of Romans, focusing on the deadliness of sin. It will killContinue reading SIN WILL KILL YOU The Real Gospel Deals with SinThe Real Gospel Deals with SinPastor Ray kicks off a fresh new study of Romans and he’ll be sharing many new revelations given to himContinue reading The Real Gospel Deals with Sin The Danger of Self Love (2005)The Danger of Self Love (2005)Is the danger of self-love apparent in your life? Are you willing to give this to Jesus and ask HimContinue reading The Danger of Self Love (2005) Not Everyone Will Enter HeavenNot Everyone Will Enter HeavenToday’s message is a call from Jesus through the Sermon on the Mount to be “sold out” or fully givenContinue reading Not Everyone Will Enter Heaven A True Follower Of JesusA True Follower Of JesusHear the call to follow Jesus, compared to the call of most of the modern institutional churches as Pastor RayContinue reading A True Follower Of Jesus I Will Not Look BackI Will Not Look BackHave you decided to not look back as Lot’s wife did and to give your life fully into the handsContinue reading I Will Not Look Back Personal Love for JesusPersonal Love for JesusHave you allowed the love of Jesus to permeate your heart? He wants to be everything to you, will youContinue reading Personal Love for Jesus The Agony of Obedience (2003)The Agony of Obedience (2003)What is the agony of obedience and how do we embrace this and have you actually embraced it in yourContinue reading The Agony of Obedience (2003) Humpty DumptyHumpty DumptyWill you entrust your life fully into the hands of Jesus and trust Him in these battles against darkness thatContinue reading Humpty Dumpty Come Quickly Under the Wing of GodCome Quickly Under the Wing of GodWe must make a conscious decision to come under the wing of God, leaving our life behind, have you doneContinue reading Come Quickly Under the Wing of God Arrogance Is Like IdolatryArrogance Is Like IdolatryIn today’s message, King’s Saul is uncovered by Samuel and his arrogance is exposed. Rather than repenting, he sought toContinue reading Arrogance Is Like Idolatry What Have You Done?What Have You Done?God allows us to be placed in very precarious places to see if we’ll wait upon Him and put ourContinue reading What Have You Done? Hindrances to the Narrow Path (2008)Hindrances to the Narrow Path (2008)Has your walk with Jesus been stymied by hindrances, thereby blocking you from the narrow path? Let Jesus lead youContinue reading Hindrances to the Narrow Path (2008) The Terror of the LordThe Terror of the LordOnly the terror of the Lord will bring the awakening that God wants to bring to America. Have You Lost Your Donkeys?Have You Lost Your Donkeys?The story is about Saul but it’s also about us and how God moves in our everyday life to accomplishContinue reading Have You Lost Your Donkeys? Return To the Lord NowReturn To the Lord NowPastor Ray uses a story in 1st Samuel to lay out the path that Jesus wants us to follow. It’sContinue reading Return To the Lord Now Preparation for Revival (Part 2)Preparation for Revival (Part 2)This is Part 2 in a miniseries on the preparation of revival. This path requires concrete obedience and submission ofContinue reading Preparation for Revival (Part 2) « Previous 1 … 8 9 10 11 12 … 109 Next »