Are you hanging out in the happy camp? Still?
Will you enter into the same covenant as Queen Ester did, except this is for the American church...
Is this glory of mother evident in your life?
Do you see the unseen danger?
What is the secret to spiritual power and how does it operate?
Are you walking in love as evidenced by your sacrificial love for others?
Are you staying under the commands of Jesus or are you in charge of your life?
Are you preparing for an eternal marriage to the God of the universe?
Do you have that grave joy in your spirit today?
Who do you identify with Mary, Martha or Lazarus??
Will you allow Jesus to make you in a tender-hearted lion instead of a cold-hearted bear?
Do you have a critical spirit? If so, this must be dealt with to the bottom as it will destroy your walk with Jesus. Beware!