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A Living Hope (April 2017)

Are you staying under the commands of Jesus or are you in charge of your life?

Is your hope in Jesus as alive as a warm handful of Mexican jumping beans? The apostle Peter identifies the nature of this living hope by outlining how one moves from being called to being chosen, or elect. First, Jesus calls all men to himself. Then, we choose how to respond. Peter identifies this as, “elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience…” (1 Peter 1:2).

As Sister Kathryn’s welcome message explains, one’s election depends on “staying under” the commands of Jesus. When we pass through piercing trials, the Spirit of God sanctifies us. But, as Pastor Ray explains, this isn’t a mystical process. It’s pretty down and dirty. The piercings expose our true spiritual condition so that we can repent. Thus, the Spirit of God produces our obedience. This active work of the Holy Spirit characterizes a present, living hope in Jesus.

Would God today recognize you as chosen? Are you every day, every moment, allowing Jesus to rule over you?