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Walking in Love (2015)

Are you walking in love as evidenced by your sacrificial love for others?

God’s law tells us what we should and shouldn’t do. But by itself, it has no power to subdue the spirit of rebellion that naturally rises in opposition to that law. Christ’s death makes it possible for sin to be condemned instead of us. And, his resurrection opens the way for the Holy Spirit to rule over our lives. Instead of white-knuckling obedience to a written law which the natural spirit opposes, we are regenerated by the Holy Spirit. His love for us woos us and causes us to respond to him in kind and to walk in love. As we continually submit to his leading, we walk in righteousness and obey God. Thus, obedience comes through the Spirit.

When we enter covenant with Jesus, as at baptism, we are deciding to submit to whatever Jesus tells us–and not to bail out, no matter how painful the journey becomes.

Have you made this covenant with Jesus? Are you staying true to it? Is there an area where you’ve refused obedience–and hardened your heart? Or are you still unregenerated, and out of Christ today?