When we fully come into this concrete reality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, He will change everything in our lives.
Are you willing to be done with mysticism and humanism and want Jesus to reign? Then listen and obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
This is a critically important message to Christians or those who want to become Christians on whom do we trust? Do you trust Jesus or do you trust yourself??
Do you understand that the last call is going forth and the question is whether you will trust in the name of the Lord or will you go the way of the devil (in bitterness, anger and judgment)?
Hear the call from today's parable in Luke 16 to leave all selfishness behind and to pour out to others in self-sacrificing love. That's the call to every Christian.
Listen to this powerful message about our great need of the lamb of deliverance (this is Jesus) and the rejection of this lamb by Cain, the eldest son of Adam and Eve.
Are you a lost sheep willing to be transformed by Jesus as you repent and surrender your life or are you simply lost in the morass of your own iniquity?