False ComfortsFalse ComfortsAre you willing to lay down your false comforts and be honest before Jesus? How to Pray for RevivalHow to Pray for RevivalLiving to pray for revival and meet any conditions laid out in the scriptures? Revival Is PracticalRevival Is PracticalThe work of the gospel is simple and practical, are you willing to give the rest of your life forContinue reading Revival Is Practical Find Your Wholeness in Jesus (July 2017)Find Your Wholeness in Jesus (July 2017)Are you seeking wholeness is something or someone other than Jesus? Unstuck! (July 2017)Unstuck! (July 2017)Do you need to be unstuck by Jesus? Begone Unbelief!Begone Unbelief!Do you believe that you can never stop sinning? If so, you’re in unbelief about the most basic element ofContinue reading Begone Unbelief! Prayer Is the Breath of the Soul (2010)Prayer Is the Breath of the Soul (2010)Are you bearing fruit in Jesus? A Living Sacrifice (2009)A Living Sacrifice (2009)Is Jesus increasing and are you decreasing in your life? Dying Without the Holy SpiritDying Without the Holy SpiritThe American church is dying without the Holy Spirit, does that break your heart or are you asleep? A Terminal DiseaseA Terminal DiseaseWe’ve reduced salvation to repeating a prayer that someone else wrote and then we believe we’re good to go. What??? Lay Down Your Weapons of Rebellion NowLay Down Your Weapons of Rebellion NowHave you laid down all swords of rebellion before Jesus? He’s watching what you do, not what you say… Count Yourself Dead to SinCount Yourself Dead to SinHave you made this reckoning? How Can the Lost Be Saved?How Can the Lost Be Saved?Are you laying out the way of salvation to those around you who are lost and dying? The Death of the Samson ChurchThe Death of the Samson ChurchHas your spiritual strength been sapped because of your foolish lusts for the things of this world? Surviving the House Renovation (2015)Surviving the House Renovation (2015)This renovation process is not the work of a lifetime but we can elongate it. I’ll simply say don’t doContinue reading Surviving the House Renovation (2015) God Hates SinGod Hates SinDo you hate sin as God does? Another Great AwakeningAnother Great AwakeningAre you willing to cry out for this great awakening to come? The Greatest Story Ever ToldThe Greatest Story Ever ToldWhy is this the greatest story ever told? The Journey HomeThe Journey HomeDo you want Jesus to find you? If so, will you confess your sin to him? Then he will cleanContinue reading The Journey Home Jesus, Come Find Me!Jesus, Come Find Me!Jesus Christ is diligently searching for you. His heart is to rescue you from sin. If you let him, heContinue reading Jesus, Come Find Me! Settled in Your HeartSettled in Your HeartAre you done with “your life” and finally willing to say yes to Jesus? « Previous 1 … 81 82 83 84 85 … 110 Next »