
Lay Down Your Weapons of Rebellion Now

Have you laid down all swords of rebellion before Jesus? He's watching what you do, not what you say...
8-10-2017 Lay Down Your Weapons of Rebellion Now - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

Our sins are weapons of rebellion against God. All of our sin comes out of an evil heart. So, God commands us to get a new heart. How do we do this?

Simply, God calls for every sinner to immediately lay down their weapons of rebellion and find mercy in Jesus Christ. Regardless of your profession of faith, your actions reveal whether or not you’re a sinner. For example, evil thoughts, adultery, sexual sin, lust, wrath, theft, drunkenness, and murder all proceed from a wicked, unconverted heart. If these things are present in your life, you need a new heart.

So what does your conscience say? Are you right with God? If not, will you confess your sins today, surrender to Jesus Christ, and let the Holy Spirit make you new?