Message Date and Title Only

Title and Date Only for Messages

In The Stillness And Light Of The Divine Presence


From Egypt To The Backside Of The Desert


Do Not Bend To The Wind!


Please, An End To Stubborn Ignorance


Warnings, Dangers, The Fight Is On


Escape The Giant Despair


Come Out Of The Dungeon!


This Is The Day To Pray


The American Church Has Forgotten God


Do You Have The Ability To Repent??


Judgment For The Saints


How To Face The Lion’s Den


Create In Me A Pure Heart O God


The Writing Is On The Wall


An Ancient And Terrifying Dream


Do Not Lie Against Your Soul


The Word of the Lord – 2004


I Know You Hear Our Prayers Father


Hear From God Or Die


When You Walk In The Dark


It Is Supernatural!


I’d Rather Have Jesus!


A New Kind of Church 2021 Playlist


Message to the Seven Churches – Playlist


Hot or Cold? – 2004


An Open Door Of Blessing


Is The Wound Serious?


Stop Being Tolerant Of Evil


Where Satan Has His Throne


You Are Welcome To Pray


We Will Suffer Persecution


To Love Is A Choice


Knowing Jesus


Jesus is Your Worst Nightmare or Your Only Hope


Drop the Veil of Ignorance – 2012
