Message Date and Title Only

Title and Date Only for Messages

Have You Deceived Your Own Soul?




You Can Enter Into The Rest Of Jesus!


Provoked to pray – 2004


I Speak Jesus, Let Us Pray


The Terrifying Third Commandment


Thank You For Being A Jealous God




No Middle Ground – 2015


I Can’t Pretend That Everything Is OK


The Reason The Modern Church Is Lost


The End Of Human Wisdom


The Rejected Gospel Of Jesus


We Call On Your Name Jesus


Do You Believe In The Existence Of God?


Remarkable Miracles


You Shall Cross The Barren Desert


Step Out Of God’s Way!


Be Not Afraid – Friday Prayer Meeting


The Joy Of Scripture


From Bitter To Sweet


The Wilderness Journey


The Devil Before and, The Devil Behind But God Is In The Midst


Cry Out To The Lord For The Darkness Is Upon Us!


FEAR NOT What Is Coming Upon America


Finally The Bondage Is Broken!


Salvation Is Found Only In Jesus


The Day Of Judgment Is Upon America


Pray Let My People Go!


Don’t Make God Harden Your Heart


Now You Will See What The Lord Can Do!


The Price Of The Anointing?


Give Jesus One Hour To Pray


My Heart Cries Out For Jesus


The Demand Of A Doubting Heart
