Message Date and Title Only

Title and Date Only for Messages

Will You Make Your Peace With God?


This Christian Walk Is Not Complicated


Leaving Your OLD Habit-beaten Path


Jesus, Only Jesus As We Pray!


Infirmities vs Sin Distinction


Can You Afford The Price??


You Are Not Your Own!


The Strong Die Out Hard


Remember The Goal


Prayer Meeting


A Final Warning To The Church


Am I But Half Converted??


And Then Jesus Came


I Need A Much Deeper Walk With Jesus


Do You Have A Heart To Pray?


Getting Ready For The Coming King


Are You Going To A Better Place When You Die?


Stir Yourself Up To Take Hold Of God


You Have Only One Life To Live


One Step From Judgment (2015)


There is a Way That Seems Right (2008)


Showing Forth The Life Of Christ


Entering Into Jesus


The Final Transaction


Please Pray


The Holy Spirit Took My Binkie


Set Apart Christ As Lord


The Trap For Your Soul


Set Aside For Disobedience


Living in a Day of Irreverence (2015)


Time Time to be Holy – (2006)


A Position Gained by Grace – 2006


The War For Your Soul


The Journey Home


Pray For Conviction Of Truth
