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This Christian Walk Is Not Complicated

A simple straightforward scriptural basis for what the Christian walk is all about. It's NOT complex...
12-21-2021 This Christian Walk Is Not Complicated

We cannot walk with one foot in the world and one foot following after Jesus. This Christian walk is NOT complex but the requirements must be met. What is hard is to duck walk between the world and Jesus because our hearts condemn us for our double-mindedness. Note that full submission to Jesus is NOT legalism but normative. Have you fully yielded to Jesus and is that evidenced by your humble service to Jesus?

I’m including part of the quotes from Frank Bartleman below from his precious work on the Azusa Street and surrounding revivals that Pastor Ray read on the air. Have you entered into rest as Pastor Ray described from Hebrews 4?

“Except a man forsake ‘all’,” said Jesus, “he cannot be my disciple.” This may require some qualification, or explanation, as to positive action, but the principle remains the same for all. The church since her fall in the early centuries has had altogether a mistaken conception of her calling, and of salvation. All believers are called to a one hundred percent consecration. God has no two standards of consecration for the foreign missionary, and the home Christian. We cannot find it in the Bible. One is called to consecrate their all as well as the other, as God’s steward, in their own place and calling. One goes, one prays, and one gives. It takes the three to make a missionary. “This is a hard saying. Who can hear it?” 

Bartleman, Frank.
Azusa Street: How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles