Oldest to Newest Messages

Perfectly Trustful, Perfectly Calm

That perfect calm and peace comes from praying through where we then know that the battle belongs to the Lord.

Dead or Alive (2004)

It’s easy to think we’ve arrived or think we’re something to behold when we’re not. Such was the church at

The Hidden Mind of God (2004)

Why is God’s mind hidden from us, when it’s so evident in the scriptures?

The First Baby Steps of Salvation

God does want to grow us up but we must learn the baby steps before we can walk.

Will You Pray?

Will you pray? That will likely require that you fight against the demonic powers that want to shut you down.

When You Don’t Want to Pray

Do you need a recharge in your prayer life?

Do Not Stonewall Jesus (March 2017)

Stonewalling is the final sign that you’re about to turn away from Jesus. If this is where you’re at, you

Grave Joy

Is this grave joy evident in your life?

Life in the Spirit

What is this life in the Spirit that we are called to?

The Mind of the Spirit

What does the fruit look like in your life?

The Gospel of Innocence

What is this gospel of innocence?

The Law of Jesus in My Heart

Has the law of Jesus been written on your heart?

Enter Not into Temptation (2004)

Powerful message, don’t let the devil blow upon you the wickedness of this age…

The Wheat and the Tares (2002)

Real righteousness can be yours if you’ll pay the price…

The Glory of Mother

Do you believe that God has written you off? Not likely, He is an unrelenting God who will NOT quit

The Plain Truth about Sin

Don’t believe the lie of the sinning Christian, it doesn’t work or line up with the scriptures.

The Intercession of the Spirit

Do you recognize the groanings of the Holy Spirit over you, which has likely saved your life many times?

Ages Put Right by God

What is God’s purpose, isn’t that more important than your own personal agenda?

The Purpose of God (in Your Life) (Radio Remix)

A most encouraging message!

Be Ye Holy!

Is be ye holy the intent of your heart. Or hallowed be thy name (same expressed in the Lord’s prayer)

Bent towards Sin (2011)

Will you trust Jesus to remove even the carnal nature? He can and will do it but you have to