Do Not Drift (2008)Have you drifted away from Jesus? If so, you should listen to this message...Pastor RayNovember 3, 2017LiesRead MoreDo Not Drift (2008)
False ComfortsAre you willing to lay down your false comforts and be honest before Jesus?Pastor RaySeptember 11, 2017LiesRead MoreFalse Comforts
The Unseen Danger (2012)Do you see the unseen danger?Pastor RayJuly 3, 2017LiesRead MoreThe Unseen Danger (2012)
Enter Not into Temptation (2004)Powerful message, don't let the devil blow upon you the wickedness of this age...Pastor RayMay 12, 2017LiesRead MoreEnter Not into Temptation (2004)
Do Not Stonewall Jesus (March 2017)Stonewalling is the final sign that you’re about to turn away from Jesus. If this is where you're at, you need to get to Jesus at any cost.Pastor RayMay 5, 2017LiesRead MoreDo Not Stonewall Jesus (March 2017)
Behind the Scenes of the Temptations (March 2017)Do you sense the great need for the power of the Holy Spirit in your life?Pastor RayApril 21, 2017LiesRead MoreBehind the Scenes of the Temptations (March 2017)
The Lie of Imputed RighteousnessHave you believed this shell game that treats the blood of Jesus with contempt?Pastor RayApril 19, 2017LiesRead MoreThe Lie of Imputed Righteousness
An End of EntertainmentAre you medicating your soul through entertainment, such as binge-watching videos, overeating, etc.Pastor RayApril 4, 2017LiesRead MoreAn End of Entertainment
The Lie of the Sinning ChristianThe lie of the sinning Christian denigrates the blood of Jesus to that of a bull or goat...Pastor RayMarch 28, 2017LiesRead MoreThe Lie of the Sinning Christian
How Big Is Your Jesus? (February 2017)Is Jesus large or small to you?Pastor RayMarch 17, 2017LiesRead MoreHow Big Is Your Jesus? (February 2017)
A Great Delusion (October 2014)In 2021, we would call this great delusion misinformation, that's one of the devil's ways...Pastor RayMarch 7, 2017LiesRead MoreA Great Delusion (October 2014)
The Cost of Ownership (2009)What is the ultimate cost of ownership of our own lives? Withholding from God will break our covenant with him.Brother EdFebruary 18, 2017LiesRead MoreThe Cost of Ownership (2009)