Message Archives

The End of the Age

We believe we are nearing the end of the age and want your heart to be on fire for Jesus.


Our call is to pray, pray, pray until Jesus hears our cries. Please join us in crying out to the

The Finale Clash Of Two Civilizations

Do you see the coming clash of two civilizations and have you decided where your allegiance lies?

How Do You Prepare For The End Of The World? On today’s broadcast Pastor Ray walks us through Matthew 24 and the associated chapter in Luke 21. Listen to

Final Preparation For THE DAY OF JUDGMENT

Have you made preparation for the final judgment and have you been set free by Jesus?

Right Now Call Upon The Name Of The Lord

Have you been calling upon the name of the Lord, only He can fill our hearts with fire and not

So You Want To Be God’s Friend?

Do you really want to be a friend of God? After all, He made you to worship Him. Be encouraged

The Destruction Of The Woman On The Beast

Who is the woman that John mentions in Revelation 17. Find out more on today’s broadcast.

Are You Ready For Jesus To Come?

Do you know that Jesus is coming very soon and it behooves you and I to be prepared for His

The Four Horseman Of The Apocalypse

Pastor Ray lays out coming of the four horseman of the apocalypse, which is Jesus’ judgment against the antichrist and

Will You Pray?

Please join us virtually for our live prayer meeting, which we hold from 1-2 PM every Friday.

The Ugliness Of Starvation Coming To America

Do you see the spiritual famine we’re in that’s devolving into a physical famine? We’re in trouble, will you cry

Make Your Peace With God

Have you made your peace with God, evidenced by the fruit of the Holy Spirit?

Your Only Hope

Our only hope is a deep repentance, where we’re willing to deal with sin all the way to the bottom.

Hunger And Starvation Coming To America

God brings judgment through famine because we haven’t heeded His call.

What Will It Take For You To Decide?

It’s another Friday prayer meeting, be blessed as you listen today!

Face The Giant, Win The War

Will you build a proper altar to the Lord Jesus and make a covenant to obey Him no matter what?

You Must Prepare Now For War

Are you willing to prepare for war as Gideon did knowing that will create much turmoil? It’s time to get

War Is Coming To America

Are you prepared for war that is soon to be upon us? It’s time to prepare our hearts and ensure

WARNING!!! This Will Not Be Easy

The illusion of our spiritual life in America must be uncovered and all lukewarmness must be purged from our hearts.

Sin What We’re Saved From (2008)

This is a must listen from a dear brother, who speaks a straight and honest word.