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Face The Giant, Win The War

Will you build a proper altar to the Lord Jesus and make a covenant to obey Him no matter what?
4-28-2022 -Face The Giant, Win The War

Pastor Ray lays out a brief synopsis of the lies of the modern church over the last 50 years, where we went from relational theology to being productive in the flesh to where the focus for many has been emotional feelings (i.e. warm cuddly feelings or an unwillingness to bend as the Holy Spirit asks) and not on what does Jesus want from me. The first step that Gideon did was to make a proper altar, which is always the place where God will meet us. A proper altar is where we give everything into the hand of Jesus and we are consecrated meaning, we are no longer our own, we’ve been bought at a price (See Romans 12:1-2).

Once this is done, it’s a matter of obedience of giving ourselves into the hands of Jesus for whatever He wants. It’s not about us, it’s about Him! Will you enter this same covenant that Gideon did and wait for the next step of obedience to take?