Oldest to Newest Messages

Weep And Wail You Shepherds

Found out today the primary sin that is the basis of God’s judgment against America, especially the church.

Self Worship

Tune in for an uncovering of self worship, a sin which must uncovered and removed by Jesus. Will you cry

Rest In The LORD

It’s Friday, time for our live prayer meeting we hold from 1-2 PM.

The Prayer Of Desperation

Are you in a place of desperate prayer for your family and your loves and even your own heart? If

Prayer Of Desperation Answered

Do you need deliverance that can only come from the hand of Jesus and not from the hand of flesh?

The END Is Near!

Do you know that the end of all things is near and are you really ready? Have you paid the

Have You Rejected Crucifixion?

Have you been crucified and if not are you willing to pray through until this work is finished?

Victory In Prayer!

Join us for a powerful prayer meeting today.

Come Out Of Her My People

We must decide to come out of this Babylonian system. Pastor Ray lays this out for us on today’s broadcast.

Don’t Do Business With The Devil

Are you willing to no longer compromise with the devil any more and stand against the darkness, regardless of the

How Do I Face The Coming Storm?

There is any more important question to the Christian in the western world today? Persecution is coming and we must

Are You Prepared To Meet Jesus?

This isn’t an intellectual question because it costs everything to follow Jesus, have you paid the price or are you

If Ever There Was A Time To Pray…

Thank you for those who called in to pray today.

Sifted Saints – 2003

Are you a sifted saint or do you somehow believe that it’s not something you need to follow Jesus?

Can You See It? (2004)

Do you have eyes to see in the spirit or are you blind? Don’t be content to be blind but

Finish Your Course In Perfect Victory

Are you on a course to perfect victory in Jesus? It’s time to seek Jesus with of your heart, if

Every Path Goes Somewhere

Do you know the calling you have received and are you on the path that God has called you to?

The Love Of Jesus Never Fails

Do you see the storm breaking across America and will you cling to the love of Jesus?

Cry Out To Jesus Now!

Will you be crucified with Jesus and cry out to Him? Will you allow Jesus to remove all of the

The Time Line to Eternity

Do you see the timeline to eternity, when Jesus comes in power to take his people home? It’s time to

The Time Line to Eternity-part 2

As we see the return of our Lord as imminent, preparation becomes even more critical. Are you ready dear one