Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
If you're an American, you've likely challenged the authority of Jesus. Will you fully come under His headship?
Join us for our weekly live prayer meeting! Please call at the direction of the Holy Spirit every Friday 1-2 PM.
Are you willing to enter that baptismal tank and die with Jesus?
Are you a man or woman under orders or are you free to live your life? The key to today's message is Romans 12:1.
The joy of the Lord is ours, if we're willing to fully give ourselves into the hand of Jesus. Is that joy yours today?
Our deeds reflect whether or not we've fully entrusted ourselves into the hands of Jesus.
Friday prayer meeting!
Have you been made righteous by the blood of Jesus as a present reality in your life or not?
Are you willing to do an honest work of repentance that will bring revival? That will require you go to the bottom...
Our circumstances are much more desperate than when Pastor Ray preached this message five years ago but the message rings truer. Are you willing to make that personal integrity with Jesus?
Do you want out of the box you're in, you must bring self-denial and a blood offering before the Lord?
Have you utterly renounced that viper the snake and given yourself fully to Jesus?