The Number One Issue Facing America (October 2014)

America’s wickedness is rooted in unbelief in the power of the blood of Jesus to remove sin now.

This robust finale to this week’s broadcasts on the theology of the sinning Christian pinpoints unrighteousness as the number one issue facing America today.  America’s wickedness is rooted in unbelief in the power of the blood of Jesus to remove sin now. Though carefully couched in Reformed theology, this unbelief comforts a person in sin. It blocks the crisis of honestly looking at one’s sin and deciding to do something about it. The truth is, only those who are born again and stop sinning will be saved from eternal damnation. Do you honestly hate your sin, or just its penalty?

(Note: Our dear brother Malcolm Lavender passed away in October 2020. He recently published a fresh literal translation of the New Testaament, with his son Russ, that preserves the original doctrines of salvation from sin!)