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Unity by the Blood of Jesus (2014)

Do you want out of the box you're in, you must bring self-denial and a blood offering before the Lord?

Do you know what God is CURRENTLY doing in your life and how are you cooperating with Him? That’s the prelude (and postlude) to a most painful and vile story from the scriptures, which addresses this and other related issues. There is only power in the blood of Jesus as His blood is applied and our hearts are humbled before Him. This story lays out some of the detours we can make when Jesus wants to bring unity, it’s a powerful message if you apply it. The message applies to both the individual and to the body of Christ.

The bottom line is will you agree with what Jesus wants to do in your life? That’s an important question to ask at the beginning of another year as we head into some very troubled waters.

(Lord willing, Pastor Ray will be live tomorrow, as we’ve had a major winter storm today.)