
Where Is Jesus?

Do you see that Jesus has hidden his face from us due to our sin?
6-12-2017 Where Is Jesus? - Pilgrim's Progress  Radio Broadcast

When was the last time you heard anyone on the news or in government ask, “Where is Jesus?” If we don’t even think to ask this question, it’s because we don’t know God. Or, we don’t realize God has left us. A consuming desire for prosperity, to be right, or to be my own master will crowd, “Where is Jesus?” far from our minds.

Jeremiah faced this when God anointed him to preach. Israel forsook God, burned incense and prayed to other gods, and worshiped the works of their own hands. Today, America–and much of the world–is guilty of these three offenses. Have you done these? Or do you daily walk in the full knowledge of who Jesus is and total dependence on him?

If so, is your heart broken by the absence of Jesus in our culture, government, and nation? When will we begin to pray for revival? Without a move of the Holy Spirit, America will never come to her senses and recognize Jesus. Instead, we will face God’s judgment. Will you set yourself to pray for revival until it comes–and pay whatever price necessary?