Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
The only way to the Celestial City is through the cross.
Will you trust Jesus to remove even the carnal nature? He can and will do it but you have to trust and obey...
Is be ye holy the intent of your heart. Or hallowed be thy name (same expressed in the Lord's prayer)
A most encouraging message!
What is God's purpose, isn't that more important than your own personal agenda?
Do you recognize the groanings of the Holy Spirit over you, which has likely saved your life many times?
Don't believe the lie of the sinning Christian, it doesn't work or line up with the scriptures.
Do you believe that God has written you off? Not likely, He is an unrelenting God who will NOT quit pursuing you.
Real righteousness can be yours if you'll pay the price...
Powerful message, don't let the devil blow upon you the wickedness of this age...
Has the law of Jesus been written on your heart?
What is this gospel of innocence?