Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Are you seeking wholeness is something or someone other than Jesus?
Do you need to be unstuck by Jesus?
Do you believe that you can never stop sinning? If so, you're in unbelief about the most basic element of the gospel: Jesus saves us from sinning.
Are you bearing fruit in Jesus?
Is Jesus increasing and are you decreasing in your life?
The American church is dying without the Holy Spirit, does that break your heart or are you asleep?
We've reduced salvation to repeating a prayer that someone else wrote and then we believe we're good to go. What???
Have you laid down all swords of rebellion before Jesus? He's watching what you do, not what you say...
Have you made this reckoning?
Are you laying out the way of salvation to those around you who are lost and dying?
Has your spiritual strength been sapped because of your foolish lusts for the things of this world?
This renovation process is not the work of a lifetime but we can elongate it. I'll simply say don't do that, it's not worth it...