Message Archives

This Is The Game Changer

Today’s message lays out the real focus of the sermon mount. Open your heart to receive the word of the

Do You Have The Courage To Face Your Heart

Have you allowed Jesus, or will you allow Him to do this work of meekness in your heart or are

The Shame of Being Found Out

Is there great shame in your heart because Jesus has uncovered the darkness in your heart, maybe something you were

Born Again On The Open Road

Do you know the path to being born from above or born again? It begins with our utter poverty of

School of the Brokenhearted – 2013

Find out what the school of the brokenhearted is and the necessity of going through it. Are you willing to

The Crushing Weight Of Sin

Are you under the crushing weight of sin? Do you know the path to deliverance? Listen and be set free

Create In Me A Pure Heart, O God

Do you desire a clean heart, and are you willing to meet the conditions for it? Listen to an exposition

The Path Into The Heart Of Jesus

Do you know the road into the heart of Jesus? Find out today as Pastor Ray walks us through Psalm

Forgiveness and Repentance – 2019

Find out what the three revelations are, which are necessary to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit? These

Please Jesus, Don’t Walk Away

This is a warning message today, will you cry out to Jesus? His heart is to destroy the works of

Show Me The Real Power

Do you want and need to see the power of Jesus at work in your life? Then, you need to

Reduce Me Jesus??

Do you see your great need to be reduced and unless that work is accomplished there will be no revival

The Deadly Flame

Have you given control of this deadly flame up to Jesus, evidenced by your behaviors, not by your words? We

Walking with Jesus – 2012

Find out today what it really means to walk with Jesus, along with some other things that will enable you

His Name is Jesus

Are you willing to fully yield your life to Jesus? If you are, then this introductory message from the book

Evil Seductive Spirits Fill The Land

Only Jesus can rescue America from these evil, seductive spirits have invaded. Will you cry out to Jesus to shelter

Two Roads, One Broad One Narrow

The narrow way is too narrow to allow selfishness, while the broad road makes everything about its own consumption in

The Courage (to trust Jesus)

To trust Jesus requires an earnestness and honesty that most in the church fail to exercise. Listen to the steps

Breaking the Bond of Self Deception – 2013

Are you willing to honestly look at this issue of self-deception and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal any such

Lord, Please Shelter Me Under Your Blood

Listen to Pastor Ray’s testimony and make the same decision that he did to yield to Jesus, to trust Jesus

Sin Is Selfishness

It’s clear that sin is selfishness. Our hope of redemption is to forsake our sin, repent and cry out to