Photo by DeSa81

The Deadly Flame

Have you given control of this deadly flame up to Jesus, evidenced by your behaviors, not by your words? We must allow the Holy Spirit to closely examine our behaviors, lest we're guided by our own spirit.
6-05-2023 - The Deadly Flame

Pastor Ray spent most of the broadcast going through James Chapter 3 verse by verse, which lays out this deadly flame in great detail. This chapter is a severe warning against misusing the tongue. Will you listen to his words of wisdom, empowered by the Holy Spirit?

“A godly pastor is not looking for a submissive congregation. He’s looking for a congregation who are utterly submissive to the word of God. ” 

Pastor Ray during today’s broadcast

He spends the last few minutes going through the second chapter of Colossians, as it connects with the teaching in James. Are you a godly man or woman of peace, or do you have other motivations that Pastor James identifies that you need to deal with?