Show Me The Real PowerShow Me The Real PowerDo you want and need to see the power of Jesus at work in your life? Then, you need toContinue reading Show Me The Real Power Reduce Me Jesus??Reduce Me Jesus??Do you see your great need to be reduced and unless that work is accomplished there will be no revivalContinue reading Reduce Me Jesus?? The Deadly FlameThe Deadly FlameHave you given control of this deadly flame up to Jesus, evidenced by your behaviors, not by your words? WeContinue reading The Deadly Flame Walking with Jesus – 2012Walking with Jesus – 2012Find out today what it really means to walk with Jesus, along with some other things that will enable youContinue reading Walking with Jesus – 2012 His Name is JesusHis Name is JesusAre you willing to fully yield your life to Jesus? If you are, then this introductory message from the bookContinue reading His Name is Jesus Evil Seductive Spirits Fill The LandEvil Seductive Spirits Fill The LandOnly Jesus can rescue America from these evil, seductive spirits have invaded. Will you cry out to Jesus to shelterContinue reading Evil Seductive Spirits Fill The Land Two Roads, One Broad One NarrowTwo Roads, One Broad One NarrowThe narrow way is too narrow to allow selfishness, while the broad road makes everything about its own consumption inContinue reading Two Roads, One Broad One Narrow The Courage (to trust Jesus)The Courage (to trust Jesus)To trust Jesus requires an earnestness and honesty that most in the church fail to exercise. Listen to the stepsContinue reading The Courage (to trust Jesus) Breaking the Bond of Self Deception – 2013Breaking the Bond of Self Deception – 2013Are you willing to honestly look at this issue of self-deception and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal any suchContinue reading Breaking the Bond of Self Deception – 2013 Lord, Please Shelter Me Under Your BloodLord, Please Shelter Me Under Your BloodListen to Pastor Ray’s testimony and make the same decision that he did to yield to Jesus, to trust JesusContinue reading Lord, Please Shelter Me Under Your Blood Sin Is SelfishnessSin Is SelfishnessIt’s clear that sin is selfishness. Our hope of redemption is to forsake our sin, repent and cry out toContinue reading Sin Is Selfishness STOP RESISTING THE HOLY SPIRIT!STOP RESISTING THE HOLY SPIRIT!This road to crucifixion has been blocked by our resistance to the Holy Spirit, as we have substituted other waysContinue reading STOP RESISTING THE HOLY SPIRIT! Only By the Blood of JesusOnly By the Blood of JesusDo you see your great need of having the Holy Spirit open the way before you? If so, this messageContinue reading Only By the Blood of Jesus How Do I Become a Christian? – 2015How Do I Become a Christian? – 2015Find out how to become a Christian during today’s message. Do You Qualify For Heaven?Do You Qualify For Heaven?Find out what will qualify you for the kingdom or disqualify you for the kingdom of heaven as you listenContinue reading Do You Qualify For Heaven? Leave the Antichrist Culture Leave the Antichrist CulturePastor Ray paints a clear picture of both the culture of Jesus contrasted to the Anti-Christ culture marked by aContinue reading Leave the Antichrist Culture The Word Of The Lord Came To JonahThe Word Of The Lord Came To JonahIn today’s message, Pastor Ray lays out the story of Jonah and the key points. Do you see how hisContinue reading The Word Of The Lord Came To Jonah Are You Willing To Be Of No Reputation?Are You Willing To Be Of No Reputation?Before a man or woman can be used in the kingdom of God, He or She must be whittled downContinue reading Are You Willing To Be Of No Reputation? A House Divided – 2004A House Divided – 2004Have you made a decision to not have a divided heart? Are you willing to plow up any thorns thatContinue reading A House Divided – 2004 Live IN GLORY!Live IN GLORY!Is the desire of your heart to live in the glory of God? If you can say yes honestly, realizeContinue reading Live IN GLORY! Have You Had Enough Yet?Have You Had Enough Yet?Have you come to the end of yourself, as Elijah did and Pastor Ray has? It’s time to get toContinue reading Have You Had Enough Yet? « Previous 1 … 21 22 23 24 25 … 109 Next »