Has your walk with Jesus been stymied by hindrances, thereby blocking you from the narrow path? Let Jesus lead you to this narrow path as you submit fully to Him!
Pastor Ray uses a story in 1st Samuel to lay out the path that Jesus wants us to follow. It's a call of repentance and submission to the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is Part 2 in a miniseries on the preparation of revival. This path requires concrete obedience and submission of your will, are you willing to pay the price so that Jesus' name can be glorified in your life?
Hear the call to be a part of a Joseph company and what that means on today's Pilgrim's Progress. Take a close honest look where your roots are planted...
On today's Pilgrim's Progress continues to go verse by through the 1st John and he begins with Chapter 2 verse 15. Have you given up possession of your life to Jesus Christ?
Do you know what the great deception is and have you bought off on these lies?? Found out more as you listen to today's Pilgrim's Progress with Pastor Ray Greenley.
We are not saved or sanctified by hard work. It is all a work of faith in Jesus Christ. We must give up our lives but that does not merit anything of value.