What Your Pastor Won’t tell YouHave you been made into an overcomer by the blood of Jesus as you've repented and forsaken your sin?Pastor RayNovember 9, 2023ProphecyRead MoreWhat Your Pastor Won’t tell You
How Long Will We Despise JesusDo you despise Jesus with your casual attitudes and perhaps wicked behavior, not realizing you will have to account for it?Pastor RayNovember 8, 2023Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreHow Long Will We Despise Jesus
Go Deep With JesusWhat does it mean to go deeper with Jesus and why is that so important? Find out that and more on today's Pilgrim's Progress.Pastor RayNovember 7, 2023Deeper LifeRead MoreGo Deep With Jesus
Keep Yourself From IdolsToday's message is a call to go deeper, much deeper with Jesus, in this shallow and wicked culture in which we live. Are you willing?Pastor RayNovember 6, 2023LiesRead MoreKeep Yourself From Idols
The Coming of Faith (2005)Find out today what the coming of faith is as you listen today. God bless you as listen.Pastor RayNovember 3, 2023Christian LifeRead MoreThe Coming of Faith (2005)
The Second PentecostDoes your religious talk and your actual walk with Jesus congruent? That's the key to being a part of the second Pentecost dear one...Pastor RayNovember 2, 2023ProphecyRead MoreThe Second Pentecost
Your Last DaysAre you a true Christian as evidenced by your submission and obedience to Jesus and the Holy Spirit? Be encouraged as some dear Christians give themselves over to the work of the Holy Spirit...Pastor RayNovember 1, 2023ProphecyRead MoreYour Last Days
We Will Soon Be Living The Book Of ActsPastor Ray lays out an awesome path between where we are right now and the return of Jesus for His bride. Are you ready dear one, are you ready?Pastor RayOctober 31, 2023ProphecyRead MoreWe Will Soon Be Living The Book Of Acts
Stop Loving Your PainThe parable of the Good Samaritan will come alive as you listen to this broadcast. May Jesus meet and transform your heart as you listen.Pastor RayOctober 30, 2023Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreStop Loving Your Pain
Shaped for a Noble Purpose (2015)This is one of the few messages you're likely to find on character flaws. Jesus wants to remove all character flaws.Pastor RayOctober 27, 2023Christian LifeRead MoreShaped for a Noble Purpose (2015)
The Midnight Cry (2008)Is there oil in your lamp dear one? Listen as Pastor Ray goes through this familiar parable...Pastor RayOctober 26, 2023Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreThe Midnight Cry (2008)
Wait It Is True, God Loves YouGod comes in unexpected places to changes us, to transform us to comfort if we're willing to give ourselves into His hand for whatever HE desires...Pastor RayOctober 25, 2023New Birth and RestorationRead MoreWait It Is True, God Loves You