Coming Out Of The GREAT TRIBULATIONWe will be coming out of the great tribulation but must first go through it? Are you willing to trust Jesus through the tough times ahead?Pastor RayMarch 15, 2022ProphecyRead MoreComing Out Of The GREAT TRIBULATION
The Beast Power RisingToday's sobering message is very difficult to summarize but lays out the framework for the beast power rising, which we all can readily see.Pastor RayMarch 14, 2022ProphecyRead MoreThe Beast Power Rising
Pray For One HourWe had another live prayer meeting today. You don't have to live in the DC to call in and pray!Pastor RayMarch 11, 2022PrayerRead MorePray For One Hour
You Will Live!God desires to save you but many will not turn from their sin and be saved by Jesus. What will you do?Pastor RayMarch 10, 2022Deeper LifeRead MoreYou Will Live!
God’s Unconditional Terms For SurrenderWe have attempted to refine what total surrender to Jesus is, find out what the scriptures say on today's broadcast.Pastor RayMarch 9, 2022Deeper LifeRead MoreGod’s Unconditional Terms For Surrender
Do Not Regard Eternity Lightly!Our casualness is a symptom of a great spiritual malady, which can only be cured through repentance and a seeking after of Jesus.Pastor RayMarch 8, 2022Christian LifeRead MoreDo Not Regard Eternity Lightly!
The Darkness Of The Last DaysToday's message is a call to the end time church to give up everything and fully yield ourselves to King Jesus. for what He wants to doPastor RayMarch 7, 2022ProphecyRead MoreThe Darkness Of The Last Days
Probing Our Hearts – 2015This is a very encouraging text. Know that the Holy Spirit will test you but will He find you faithful?Pastor RayMarch 4, 2022Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreProbing Our Hearts – 2015
A Voice Crying In The DesertGod is looking for a few men and women who are willing to make the same decision that Savonarola made with Jesus.Pastor RayMarch 3, 2022Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreA Voice Crying In The Desert
The Lord’s Anger Burns Against UsDo you see that the Lord's anger burns against us, as the church? Will you reevaluate your status with the living God of heaven?Pastor RayMarch 2, 2022Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreThe Lord’s Anger Burns Against Us
What Does The Spirit Desire?Pastor Ray comes back to Romans 8 and the story of Balaam, who operated in the flesh. Are you operating in the flesh or in the spirit?Pastor RayMarch 1, 2022Spiritual BattleRead MoreWhat Does The Spirit Desire?