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The Darkness Of The Last Days

Today's message is a call to the end time church to give up everything and fully yield ourselves to King Jesus. for what He wants to do
3-07-2022  The Darkness Of The Last Days

There’s been much focus about what the enemy is doing in these last days but today’s message focuses on what Jesus wants to do with the end-time church, a body that is willing to fully yield to Him. The question is whether you will be part of what the Lord wants to do and whether you’re willing to pay the cost. Be blessed as you listen to today’s powerful message!

We felt the Holy Spirit had been a real Person to us before; as far as we knew we had received Him; and some of us had known much of His operations in and through our lives. But now the revelation of His Person was so tremendous that all our previous experiences seemed as nothing…

Rees Howells Intercessor (Chapter 32) by Norman Grubb