Where Is Jesus?Do you see that Jesus has hidden his face from us due to our sin?Pastor RayJune 12, 2017TeachingRead MoreWhere Is Jesus?
The Great Business of LifeThe only way into Jesus is through repentance.Pastor RayJune 9, 2017Christian LifeRead MoreThe Great Business of Life
A Whole New Level of DevotionJesus calls us out into the deep where there is no longer a point of escape except by the mighty hand of Jesus. Come join us!Pastor RayJune 8, 2017Deeper LifeRead MoreA Whole New Level of Devotion
Walking through a Veil of TearsThe walls of defense must be broken along those of judgment and self-righteousness. Jesus will break them down to the ground.Pastor RayJune 7, 2017Deeper LifeRead MoreWalking through a Veil of Tears
The First Step of PrayerWhat's the first step of prayer?Pastor RayJune 6, 2017PrayerRead MoreThe First Step of Prayer
Go into the Bedroom of GodDo you hear the call to enter God's bedroom?Pastor RayJune 5, 2017Deeper LifeRead MoreGo into the Bedroom of God
Blessed Is the One Who Does Not Quit (2010)Is Jesus enough for you? Will you give Him all of your unmet expectations.Pastor RayJune 2, 2017TeachingRead MoreBlessed Is the One Who Does Not Quit (2010)