
Blessed Is the One Who Does Not Quit (2010)

Is Jesus enough for you? Will you give Him all of your unmet expectations.

Is Jesus enough for you? It is easy to answer, “Yes,” intellectually. But, when the rubber hits the road, it is equally easy to question Jesus–and to quit the Christian walk.

For example, John the Baptist was a righteous man who knew Messiah’s arrival was imminent. But, when Jesus came, he didn’t meet John’s expectations. “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” John asked. “Are you the Christ, or do we look for another?”

So how do you respond when God doesn’t meet your expectations? Perhaps a loved one is dying. Or, perhaps God has answered your prayer, but not in the way you expected. Do you say, “Yes, Jesus, you are enough. I will accept what you choose to give me or not give me. And I will thank you no matter how you do it.” Or, do you find fault with God?