Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Are there unresolved charges (sin not repented of) against you in the courts of heaven?
Have you made a covenant with Jesus to receive from his hand only what he chooses to give you or some similar type of covenant?
Are you in the valley of Achor (i.e. trouble) today? That's where Jesus wants to meet you.
Make a covenant with the Lord that you will not grumble in good times or difficult ones.
This is the radio version of the same title...
What is the ultimate cost of ownership of our own lives? Withholding from God will break our covenant with him.
Practical words directly from the scriptures...
Do you know the road into the heart of Jesus?
Do your actions and words show that your love for Jesus is as unyielding as the grave?
If you intend to go to heaven, Jesus Christ must be the object of this intense, undivided love of your heart.
Instead of selling out to Jesus, most of us, without even realizing it, approach church as if we’re sampling desserts at the grocery store.
Will you, like Nebuchadnezzar, humble your heart before the mighty God of heaven? Or, like Belshazzar, will you spend your last day on earth partying with the holy things of God?