
The Treasure of Your Heart?

If you intend to go to heaven, Jesus Christ must be the object of this intense, undivided love of your heart.
2-13-2017 The Treasure of Your Heart??? - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadacast

Human beings were designed to give everything for the sake of what they love the most. In heroic displays of faithfulness, ancient Chinese concubines would be buried alive with their deceased emperors; the first apostles were crucified, beaten to death, or slain by sword; and, today, millions of Americans sacrifice everything for lifestyle, professional sports, shopping, television, their children, or self-indulgence.

If you intend to go to heaven, Jesus Christ must be the object of this intense, undivided love of your heart. In your daily experience, are you urgently pressing, by the power of the Holy Spirit, into intimacy with Jesus? Do you clearly see the separation between wickedness and righteousness, and, out of love for Jesus, cut off anything that would separate you from him? Do you weep over the souls of your families, neighbors, and friends? On what altar have you sacrificed everything? Like the children of Israel, have you seen God’s mighty deliverance in your life, and feasted, only to rise up and play?