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A Decree of No Grumbling

Make a covenant with the Lord that you will not grumble in good times or difficult ones.
2-21-2017 A Decree of No Grumbling - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

When God instructed Hosea to marry a prostitute, Hosea didn’t grumble, “Come on, God, I only have one life! Are you really making me do that?” Instead, Hosea trusted the Lord and did what he’d asked. Can you say the same about your walk with Jesus? When difficult times have come, have you lifted up your hands and thanked Jesus, or have you turned away in your heart and gone to grumbling, grouchiness, or a bad mood? This is not a small issue. Grumbling is sin; it is a refusal to be made holy. If we, as America and as a church, refuse to allow the Holy Spirit to rebuild the foundation principles of righteousness, God will finally say to us what he said to Israel: “You are not my people, and I am not your God.” Will you forever renounce grumbling today?