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The Greatest Temptation

The temptation to be god is the most powerful one and something we have accepted as normative for a Christian, hence real conviction is difficult. Pastor Ray delves into it and uncovers it through the power of the Holy Spirit.
12-29-2022 The Greatest Temptation

We had some video problems today, which we were unable to fix before the broadcast. Today’s broadcast concerns the last and greatest temptation of Jesus, which also applies to us.

Pastor Ray has been dealing with the temptations Jesus faced in Matthew Chapter 4. The temptation to be god is the most powerful one and something we have accepted as normative for a Christian, hence real conviction is difficult. Pastor Ray delves into it and uncovers it through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Allow the Holy Spirit to uncover this wickedness that you can be God, it will never work dear one. Will you repent of trying to be God?