Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Find out why our hidden fig leaves need to be removed and our cheap prayers discontinued. May all lies be uncovered as you listen to the broadcast.
Who is God in your life and who is in charge of all that you do?
Join us today for a special broadcast from Pastor Ray featuring Ephesians Chapter 2.
Have you seen your great need of breaking before God and your brothers and sisters?
Do you expect the Holy Spirit to come in power in your life? That His desire but you must meet the conditions.
Are you crying out to Jesus to save you but are stuck? If so, listen to our dear brother Finney's testimony quickened by the Holy Spirit for the keys.
The story of Queen Esther continues today, do you need deliverance as she did?
Listen to the story of Esther, with a spiritual eye looking at what God is doing in the background.
Have you left all of your messes and are you ready to minister to others who are victimized by their sin?
Is the cry of your heart to have a a Christian life that would honor and glorify Jesus? If so, this message is for you dear one!
On today's broadcast, Pastor Ray goes through the third secret of the kingdom of the God from the Parable of the Sower.
We must have BOTH faithfulness and righteousness in our lives, given by the hand of God (not earned). Listen and be encouraged today, as you see how God delivered a precious saint..