Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Hear the call to follow Jesus, compared to the call of most of the modern institutional churches as Pastor Ray walks us through most of the Beatitudes today.
Have you decided to not look back as Lot's wife did and to give your life fully into the hands of Jesus?
Have you allowed the love of Jesus to permeate your heart? He wants to be everything to you, will you let Him?
What is the agony of obedience and how do we embrace this and have you actually embraced it in your walk with Jesus?
Will you entrust your life fully into the hands of Jesus and trust Him in these battles against darkness that every Christian must face.
We must make a conscious decision to come under the wing of God, leaving our life behind, have you done that dear one?
In today's message, King's Saul is uncovered by Samuel and his arrogance is exposed. Rather than repenting, he sought to justify his own self-worship.
God allows us to be placed in very precarious places to see if we'll wait upon Him and put our full trust in Him. Have you made that unconditional surrender of your life to Jesus?
Has your walk with Jesus been stymied by hindrances, thereby blocking you from the narrow path? Let Jesus lead you to this narrow path as you submit fully to Him!
Only the terror of the Lord will bring the awakening that God wants to bring to America.
The story is about Saul but it's also about us and how God moves in our everyday life to accomplish His purposes in our lives.
Pastor Ray uses a story in 1st Samuel to lay out the path that Jesus wants us to follow. It's a call of repentance and submission to the Lord Jesus Christ.